4 Tips for your GitHub Profile to Shine!

4 Tips for your GitHub Profile to Shine!

Take your GitHub Profile to the Next Level!

Create a Profile README

Creating a Profile README is an amazing way to fill up your profile, advertise your skills, missions and interest to others coming across your profile. Making this stand out will make your profile look significantly better in-comparison to a blank, unactive profile that people may not follow.

To create a README, create a New Repository that is names after your GitHub Username (in any case format). If done properly, your should see this dialog:


Then, just create the Repository.

Once the Repo is created, create a README.md file (if it's not there already), and you can start writing in Markdown, and it'll appear at the front of your GitHub Profile!

Here's an example of what this could look like:


Contribute to other Open-Source Projects

Contributing to Open-Source is great; it helps you build your CV and you receive immediate feedback on your development and programming skills. Not only this, but you are also putting your profile in front of an enormous network of Contributors and Users. Having a high contribution count on you GitHub profile can help show and prove to fellow developers/recruiters your love for coding, which could lead to many other opportunities in the future.

It also makes a cool-looking green pattern on your Profile!

Follow other Developers

Following other people can help you discover new Open-Source projects, and have your profile come up in their GitHub feed, leading to more profile views, meaning more followers. Having a high amount of followers on your GitHub Profile can give you a great platform to promote any Open-Source Projects created by you - and can sometimes make you look a bit more legit - right?

Also, other developers who come across you can get a good idea of what technology stacks you are interested in as a Software Engineer.

Create "Example Projects"


Creating "Example Projects" are not only simple to complete, but can actually help other developers who are either stuck on their own project, as well as showcasing your eagerness/open-mindedness to try out new things. Because these projects are so small, it makes it easier for developers searching for the technology within the project, to read and make sense of the code available.

If the code displayed is readable, modular and easy to understand, it's a great way to advertise your "clean code" (hopefully!) - and gain a few stars

So that rounds it up for this week's post - I hope you've enjoyed or even levelled up your own profile using these tips!!